
– 繋離船業 –


Hayakoma provides line-handling operations for almost of all large vessels entering to Kobe port. 
We are pleased and proud of our assignment in this operation. 
Upon receipt of ship agent order, our line handlers attend to wharf immediately and timely. 
They operate speedily and steadily the lines from which ship run out, for her berthing in the circumstance of keeping their tense. 
The base of our operation is with past results and knowledge accumulated in the past long year. 
Our operation is for a line of trust. 
In order to employ well-trained line handlers to ensure reliable support, 
Contacting line-handling boats, vehicles and the base with MCA transceivers, 
hauling rope up at the time of mooring, and transporting the line handlers from their base 
to the designated wharf are among the services we provide. 
To cope with the ever-increasing demand for quality service, we will do strive hard forward safe line handling 
and we are continuing to foster skilled and excellent workers. 
In addition to above, we are innovating our own boats/vehicles as well as build new ones.

– リンク –